
Teen Car Insurance

If you've started looking into teen car insurance, your child must be approaching that rite of passage when he or she is ready (or at least eager) to get behind the wheel. If so, you've probably found that premiums are higher for teen drivers. These costs are due to the insurance company's risks as, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 16-year-olds get into accidents nearly six times more often than drivers between the age of 30 and 59.

But that doesn't mean you have to go into debt to afford teen auto insurance. In fact, if you're shopping for teen car insurance there are many ways to reduce costs. Here are a few:

• Put your teen on your policy: You will undoubtedly save money by adding your teen driver to your existing auto policy as an additional driver rather than setting up an independent policy.

• Enroll in a driver's education course: You can often save money on your teen car insurance by demonstrating that your child has completed an approved driver education program.

• Check-out multi-policy discounts: You may be able to lower your coverage if you combine your auto insurance with your homeowners insurance (and other types of insurance you have with the company).

• Buy a safe car: It probably goes without saying that you should avoid sports cars when insuring your teen driver. You'll not only rest easier, but also keep your teen car insurance costs as low as possible.

• Raise your deductibles: Increasing your comprehensive and collision deductibles can lower your premiums and keep you from filing small claims that could raise your rates.

• Pay for good grades: This one may sound a bit extreme and is certainly a creative approach, but teenagers respond to financial incentives and you save money when their grades are higher. A "B" average or better can reduce your teen auto insurance premiums by as much as 10 percent.

• Shop around: There are several teen car insurance companies out there, and some offer better teen car insurance rates than others. Take the extra time to get quotes from different companies to ensure you get the most coverage at the best cost.

These are all financial issues when considering the many options you have for teen car insurance, but don't forget the basics. Help your teen learn the rules of the road and follow them to the letter by setting a good example. The best way to keep their rates low is for them to keep their driving record clean.

Kelly Williams is the president of Kelly Williams Insurance, a boutique, full-service Long Beach insurance company specializing in all lines of insurance including auto, home, life, health, and business. Kelly Williams Insurance was founded in 1895 and is based in Long Beach, California. The insurance company also serves Orange County and Los Angeles County. To learn more about teen car insurance and the company's personal and business insurance products.

Article Source: hxxp://

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